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时间:2024-05-07   浏览:8次

1、我不迎接竞争,我摧毁竞争者。 I don't meet the competition, I destroy the competitor. 2、上帝为我们创造双脚,是要让我们靠自己的双脚走路。 God created feet for us to walk on our own feet. 3、我应该是富翁,我没有权利当穷人。 I should be rich. I have no right to be poor. 4、只要不变成习惯,失败是件好事。 Failure is a good thing as long as you don't become a habit. 5、相信不如人愿的事屡屡发生,好事终将占得上风。 I believe that if things do not meet people's wishes, good things will prevail. 6、有太多的人高估他们所欠缺的,却又低估了他们所拥有的。 Too many people overestimate what they lack and underestimate what they have. 7、懂得装傻的人才是真聪明,而自作聪明的人则是大傻瓜。 Those who know how to pretend to be stupid are really smart, while those who think they are smart are fools. 8、一旦避免失败变成你做事的动机,你就走上了怠惰无力的路。 Once avoiding failure becomes your motivation, you are on the way to laziness. 9、命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。 Destiny offers us not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity. 10、要求我以诚相待的人,是想在我这里捞到好处。 The people who ask me to be honest are trying to make a profit from me. 11、没有体验过不幸的人,反而不幸。 He who has not experienced misfortune is unfortunate. 12、一个人不是在计划成功,就是在计划失败。 One is either planning to succeed or planning to fail. 13、我需要强有力的人士,哪怕这个人是我的对手。 I need strong people, even if this person is my opponent. 14、做生意想赚钱,必须了解冒险的价值,风险越高,收益就越大。 If you want to make money in business, you must understand the value of risk-taking. The higher the risk, the greater the profit. 15、除非你放弃,否则你就不会被打败。 You won't be defeated unless you give up. 16、良好的方案往往不是由互相容忍得来的,而是争吵的结果。 Good plans are often the result of quarrels rather than mutual tolerance. 17、要让金钱当我的奴隶,而不能让我当金钱的奴。 Let money be my slave, not me. 18、莫发一言!受不公正的指责时,莫发一言! Don't say a word! Don't say a word when you are accused of injustice! 19、我不靠天赐的运气活着,但呵呵策划运气发达。 I don't live by divine luck, but I thrive by planning. 20、积累的知识越多,成功的希望就越大。 The more knowledge you accumulate, the greater the hope of success. 21、越是认为自己行,你就会变得越高明,积极的心态会创造成功。 The more you think you can do it, the better you will become. A positive attitude will create success. 22、我们的命运由我们的行动决定,而绝非完全由我们的出生决定。 Our destiny is determined by our actions, not by our birth. 23、一个人不可能靠着运气而成功,而是要付出努力的代价。 One can't succeed by luck, but he has to pay the price of hard work. 24、成功的人只是相信自己、肯定自己所作所为的平凡的人。 Successful people are just ordinary people who believe in themselves and affirm what they have done. 25、你利用机会,就是在剥夺别人的机会,保证自己。 When you take advantage of opportunities, you are depriving others of their opportunities and guaranteeing yourself. 26、除非你放弃,否则你就不会被打垮。 You won't be defeated unless you give up. 27、凡事都得试试,哪怕希望微乎其微。 Try everything, even if there is little hope. 28、任何事情你钻得深,就引人入胜,就越来越重要。 Anything you drill deep, it's fascinating, it's more and more important. 29、智慧之书的第一章,也是最后一章,就是天下没有白吃的午餐。 The first and last chapter of the book of wisdom is that there is no free lunch. 30、记住,只要有一毛钱在身上,你就不是穷得一个钱也没有。 Remember, as long as you have a dime in your body, you are not so poor that you have no money. 31、把一头猪好好夸奖一番,它都能爬到树上去。 Give a pig a good compliment, it can climb up the tree. 32、没有想好最后一步,就永远不要迈出第一步。 Never take the first step without thinking about the last step. 33、我需要强有力的人士,哪怕他是我的对手。 I need strong people, even if he is my opponent. 34、一旦目标确定,就应该尽一切可能地坚持下去,永不放弃。 Once the goal is set, we should try our best to stick to it and never give up. 35、即使输了,唯一该去做的就是光明磊落的去输。 Even if you lose, the only thing to do is to lose openly. 36、目的是我领导的依据,目的就是一切。 The purpose is the basis of my leadership, and the purpose is everything. 37、在商场上,成功了的骗术并不是骗术。 In business, successful deception is not deception. 38、尊严不是天赐的,也不是别人给予的,是你自己缔造的。 Dignity is not given by God or given by others. It is created by yourself. 39、我宁愿过简单的生活,吃不铺桌布的餐桌上自己的一碗麦粥。 I would rather live a simple life and eat my own bowl of porridge on the table without tablecloth. 40、绝对冷静,绝对自信,深思熟虑,少说或者不说。 Absolutely calm, absolutely confident, thoughtful, say less or not. 41、即使输了,惟一该做的就是光明磊落地去输。 Even if you lose, the only thing you should do is to lose openly. 42、自作聪明的人是傻瓜,懂得装傻的人才是真聪明。 He who is clever is a fool, but he who knows how to pretend to be stupid is really smart. 43、越是认为自己行,你就会变得越高明。 The more you think you can do it, the better you will become. 44、在业务的基础上建立的友谊,胜地过在友谊的基础上建立的业务。 Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship. 45、人要有远见,只有长时间的吃苦,才有长时间的收获。 People should have foresight. Only by enduring hardships for a long time can we have long-term harvest.






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