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时间:2024-04-25   浏览:10次

1、我发誓今晚是我这辈子最后一次为你流泪,彻夜难眠。 I swear tonight is the last time in my life that I will cry for you and stay up all night. 2、快乐和幸福那么相似,可是快乐就是幸福吗? Happiness and happiness are so similar, but is happiness happiness? 3、渐渐的我们都有了新朋友,多久不再并肩走。 Gradually, we all have new friends, how long no longer walk side by side. 4、以前为你不顾一切,但现在我想选择快乐。 But now I choose to be happy for you. 5、所有幸运和巧合的事,要么是上天注定,要么是一个人偷偷的在努力。 All luck and coincidence, either God is doomed, or a person secretly in the effort. 6、笑时没心没肺,哭时却痛到窒息。 Laugh heartless, cry when pain to suffocate. 7、有些事情,还是不知道的好,你越是了解,心越是痛。 Some things, or do not know, the more you understand, the more painful the heart. 8、天气热的时候就要多想你,毕竟一想起你就有一股来自心底的寒意。 When the weather is hot, you should think about you more. After all, when you think of you, you will have a chill from the bottom of my heart. 9、我不高贵,但不是每一个男人都有机会。 I'm not noble, but not every man has a chance. 10、爱的确不需要语言来表达,只是你行动上也按兵不动。 Love does not need words to express, but you do not act. 11、他不愿主动,她宁愿错过。 He didn't want to take the initiative, she would rather miss it. 12、如果当时我不那么倔强,现在也不那么遗憾。 If I wasn't so stubborn at that time, I'm not so sorry now. 13、我的优点是:我很帅;但是我的缺点是:我帅的不明显。 My advantage is: I am handsome; but my disadvantage is: I am not obvious. 14、会心碎的拥抱,适合浅尝,不适合深醉。 A heartbroken hug is suitable for tasting, not for deep intoxication. 15、拂尘而过,我轻轻地,轻轻地,在这云霞染红的半边天的季节里。 Passing by, I gently, gently, in this cloud dyed red half of the sky season. 16、或许,已经没有了当初的那份执着。 Perhaps, there is no original that persistent. 17、现实里得不到的,就努力在梦里得到。 What you can't get in reality, try to get it in your dream. 18、我们都曾因对方而感动到流泪,也都曾因彼此而寂寞到心碎。 We have been moved to tears because of each other, but also because of each other and lonely to heartbreak. 19、我们终究是孤独的,没有完全契合的灵魂。回到老家,那就是我的归属。 After all, our soul is not completely compatible. Back home, that's where I belong. 20、怀念我们刚认识的时候,拘谨中带着一些温柔。 I miss the time when we first met, with some gentleness in the formality. 21、你总说她温柔善良,敢问她怎忍心生生将你从我身边夺走? You always say she is gentle and kind. How could she bear to take you away from me? 22、你说你有心事不知道跟谁说,我沉默着突然好难过。 You said you have something on your mind. I was silent and suddenly sad. 23、分手时别拿不合适当借口,当初怎么就合适了呢? When breaking up, don't take inappropriate as an excuse, how was it suitable at the beginning? 24、不要总是说自己被骗了,其实对别人来说,我们都是欺骗者。 Don't always say that you have been cheated. In fact, for others, we are all cheaters. 25、找不到人诉说,只好独自浅唱那一份独白。 Unable to find anyone to tell, he had to sing the monologue alone. 26、想念一个人的寂静,那些悲伤,泛滥成海,我,无处可逃。 Miss a person's silence, those sorrows, flooding into the sea, I have no place to escape. 27、女人只是希望有个人能挽回她,像她爱他那样爱她。 A woman just wants someone to save her and love her as much as she loves him. 28、我害怕,害怕你心里有喜欢的人,那个人不是我。 I'm afraid. I'm afraid that there's someone you like in your heart. It's not me. 29、生命是趟单程旅途,走过了就不可能再回头。 Life is a one-way journey, it is impossible to go back. 30、最痛的表演,莫过于明明不是陌生人,却装的比陌生人还陌生。 The most painful performance is not a stranger, but pretending to be stranger than a stranger. 31、我爱你,爱的那么彻底。你伤我,伤的那么干脆。 I love you so thoroughly. You hurt me, you hurt me so simply. 32、在你最回味的旅程里,我才能给你的独家微笑。 In your most memorable journey, I can give you an exclusive smile. 33、就算你说的爱我是假的,我也想要相信。 Even if you said love me is false, I also want to believe. 34、下辈子我想做你的手机,这样在我不见的时候你会很着急。 I want to be your mobile phone in the next life, so you will be very anxious when I am gone. 35、你的故事太多,我的酒仿佛不够喝。 You have so many stories that I don't have enough wine. 36、懂你的永远只有自己,再累再苦别人也看不到。 Understand you always only yourself, no matter how tired or bitter others can not see. 37、不懂承诺意义的人会轻易许诺,真正重视承诺的人是会害怕誓言的。 People who don't understand the meaning of commitment will easily promise, and those who really value commitment will be afraid of it. 38、从不喜欢热闹。不在身边就会什么事都拐个弯联想到你。 I never like excitement. If you are not around, everything will turn around and think of you. 39、即使有人打碎了你的心,总还是会有人,愿意修补好它。 Even if someone breaks your heart, there will always be someone willing to fix it. 40、我喜欢和黑夜融为一体。因为黑夜许我脆弱,许我孤独,许我与寂寞为伍。 I like to blend into the night. Because the night allows me to be vulnerable, lonely and company with loneliness. 41、害怕被嘲笑,害怕自取其辱,所以我装作开心装作不在乎。 I was afraid of being laughed at and insulted, so I pretended to be happy and didn't care. 42、记忆里,你微笑的侧脸是我最怀念的风景。 In memory, your smiling side face is the scenery I miss most. 43、有些人,这一辈子都不会在一起。但是有一种感觉却可以藏在心里守一辈子。 Some people, this life will not be together. But there is a feeling can be hidden in the heart for a lifetime. 44、当你喜欢上一个人时,总就是会觉得自己哪里都不好。 When you like someone, you always feel that you are not good anywhere. 45、他说他没有输,也没有哭,只是眼里进了沙,只是少了一个她。 He said that he did not lose, nor cry, but saw sand in his eyes, only one of her was missing. 46、我会好好的生活,不为别的,就为这些年我亏欠自己的。 I will live a good life, not for others, just for these years I owe myself. 47、不要随意相信别人,毕竟,自己才是自己的核心。 Don't trust others at will. After all, you are the core of yourself. 48、盼什么,没什么,怕什么,来什么。 What to hope for, nothing to fear, what to come. 49、我们之间隔着海,给你的爱手放开。 We are separated by the sea, let go of your love hand. 50、我们最大的错,就是相遇的那一刻、没有擦肩而过。 Our biggest mistake is that we did not pass by at the moment of meeting.






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